MCHA representing Wasco, Hood River and Sherman Counties
Other board members include:
✦ Damon Hulit, Wasco County
✦ Teresa Dirks, Wasco County
✦Leticia Moretti, Hood River County
✦Kevin Greenwood, Hood River County
✦ Randy Holmstrom, Hood River County
✦ Vacant Sherman County
✦ Joan Bird, Sherman County
Chair – Phil Brady, Wasco County
Vice Chair – Randy Holmstrom, Hood River
Treasurer – Karen Long, Interim Director
CGHA representing Skamania and Klickitat Counties
✦ Chair – Laurel Harper, Klickitat County
✦ Vice-Chair – Lori Zoller, Klickitat County
✦ Secretary/Treasurer – Karen Long, Interim Director
Other Board Members include:
✦ Miland Walling, City of Goldendale
✦ Vacant, Skamania County
✦ Julie DeSmith, Skamania County